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Friday 21 June 2013

How to Discipline your child without beating?

Many Parents think that spanking, pinching , slapping is the correct way to prevent undesirable behavior among children.Hitting a child is NOT an effective method of parenting.


Some children are afraid of this abuse and it may seem to the parents that this method is working.Some children soon get used to the physical punishment and it means nothing to them.Other children may rebel and act out against this harsh treatment.

Tips to discipline your kids

  • Set the right example for your child.Children learn by parents examples.If you set rules, you must also follow them.Parents who are aggressive often have children who aggressive.
  •  If you are a parent who has previously spanked, you may notice a worsening of behavior before it gets better.
  • Don't Bribe your kids with foods or toys.

  • Speak directly ,do not look away from  your child's eyes.You have to stay firm and inform your child that whatever they did is unacceptable.There no need to yell,shout or scream,just speak firmly and very directly.


  •  If your children does something wrong,give them a  time-out.Make them sit in a quite place away from others.After the time-out discuss the problem with your child. 
  • Taking away something the child likes is another option if your child has misbehaved.You can take away their favorite toy for a particular period, and have a discussion with the child about his or her behavior.

  •  Praise your child when he or she does well.Reward them for their good behavior.
  • Spend time with your children.Get to know them.Communicate with them.Try to find out what their problems are.

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