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Monday 14 March 2016


Extra sensory perception

ESP stands for extra sensory perception, it’s also called sixth sense. The reception of information not gained through physical sense but sensed with the mind.

An American think ESP as a supernatural power, but in actuality it is a super-concentration power.

Types of ESP:

1.    Clairvoyance: the ability to see things through obstacles, such as seeing through walls, reading the back of a cards.

2.     Tactile power: the ability to know things through the sense of touch

3.     Second sight: the ability to predict the near future or the future

4.   Telepathy: the ability to know the thoughts of others without the medium of language

5.     Psycho-kinesis: the ability to move things by the power of thought

Saturday 17 October 2015

10 Important point to activate the right brain

1) Believe your child

When the child admits that he/she saw an image when they close their eyes , never say “really?”  But say “That’s great!” and believe in them.

2) Attend classes to activate the Right Brain

When children join right brain classes it help them to stimulate their brain.It's better to join as early as possible to see a Marvelous result.

3 ) Using the talent-expectation zone hypothesis (The more the students, the better)

The more the students present, the higher the expectations for getting a good result.

4) It's important for the child to enjoy the right brain classes

The child enjoys the development of the right brain through experiences such as being able to see images.

5) Realization of the growth abilities

Begin to see the results of the development of the right brain by themselves  through the results in exams and also improvement in concentration .

6) Urge the growth of the left brain

       If the left brain is strengthened, so will the right.
Do worksheet  or workbook that related to language / mathematics / IQ Knowledge

7) Growth of the self-esteem

It important for the children to understand their own strong and weak points. Do not scold the child’s capability. Scold when disciplining them.

8) Can detect signs of emotion necessary for growth

         Endurance, suffering, worries to a certain extent is necessary

9) Enthusiastically take part in what he/she is interested in

Parents need to know there is a magma force of energy when we motivate our child

10) Nurturing the mind and heart

       Be considerate of others (ask them to put themselves in someone’s place)

Thursday 31 July 2014

All About Right Brain Education & Kids: Heguru Seminar For Public and In house parents

All About Right Brain Education & Kids: Heguru Seminar For Public and In house parents: Heguru Malaysia is organizing a seminar for a Public and In-house parents. Date   : 2nd August 2014 Venue : Midvalley Heguru Centre Time   ...

Heguru Seminar For Public and In house parents

Heguru Malaysia is organizing a seminar for a Public and In-house parents.

Date   : 2nd August 2014
Venue : Midvalley Heguru Centre

Time   : 10.30 am - 11.30 (For Public) and 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm ( For In house parents)

Parents who are interested..,it's not too late to register for the seminar..,

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Heguru Malaysia Inhouse Parent Seminar 2014

On 3rd May 2014, Heguru Malaysia organized their 3rd in house Parent seminar at their HQ KL. It was involved by 50 parents and staff. It was a 2 hours seminar which was really an ice breaker especially for new parents who are lack of knowledge about Right Brain Education. As one of the staff in Heguru, I really enjoyed the seminar and also refresh my knowledge regarding Right Brain Education.

The main objective of the seminar was:

  1. Introduction of Heguru?
  2. What is Heguru Right Brain Education?
  3. How important is the Right Brain Education to your children?
  4. How Heguru geniuses are formed?

The speaker for the seminar was Ms.Yuly Tam (Heguru Malaysia Representative) and Sensei Yvonne (Senior Instructor).

Today I would like to share home practice and their purposes, which was shared by the senior teacher during the seminar.

Flash Card

Input of language
> To activate the right brain
> To create right brain circuit by using instant memory
> To connect right brain ( IMAGE BRAIN) and left brain (LANGUAGE BRAIN) 

>Flash 1 card for 1 second
>Flash 50 to 100 cards everyday

Linking Memory

> Language input and sentences making.(build vocabulary)
> Instant image memory can able to generate brain circuit and new path of memory
> Stimulate right brain with big amount of pictures

Start with 5 cards then slowly can add on more cards.

(e.g : I saw a squirrel with 6 eyes is standing inside a red circle.


> To activate their right brain and become wiser through memorization
> To link the graphic with the number given as to activating the right brain by recall the number up to the forehead.
> To activate the right brain with the instant graphic memory.

That's all for time being,I will write more entry regarding RIGHT Brain home practice.

Dear parents "Don't compare your children with others"

Parents are the good teacher for their children.

Friday 11 October 2013

Right Brain : Types of vibrations

Types of vibrations:

What you attract, all depends on chord.

1.   Sympathizing = attract things

2.   5 eyes = 5 levels
·        No more eyes – Miku gen
·        You see Things ( invisible objects) – Teng gen
·        Somebody has an eye can guide or lead others – Eh gen
·        Lead everybody or society – Oh gen
·        Open eyes – Butsu gen

3.   positive mental attitude , negative mental attitude
·        Disappointment   >   is given by god   >   Affirmation
Affirmation: A positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything.
Message that drives you to have +MA and erase –MA:
·        I am going to have a big dream.
·        All of my circumstances are improving.
·        Once I have a goal,it will be accomplished for sure.
·        You will be able to change your failure to success by utilizing +MA.
Just a slight change the way you think will lead to greater success.

4.   Level of consciousness:
Keep a passionate desire in your heart. Your desire must be strong and persistent to penetrate into your subconscious mind.